Saturday, 8 March 2014

TV news project

Lot of things to say:

20% class participation - 20% self-evaluation
First: Assessment parameters are different this term, I will give you 4 grades each week, that will be class participation.
Second: you will give a weekly self-evaluation grade  which we may add and divide with mine(attendance is a must for this one).
3. The 60 % of the grade will be divided in two activities: a video sketch and a group presentation.
The video can be individual or in groups, it must be available for week # 4, the final presentation in groups will be by the last week. 

Well guys, now you must prepare  a news report for giving in class, you must search information and bring it to class in case we had not been assigned to the lab.

You will be journalist, you'll have to create a name, logo and other elements required for an enterprise into news business. but also you are in charge of a 5 min - news bulletin. 

Bring the information as clear as possible to prepare it in class, next Monday you will have time to organize your groups, and strat working for Thursday.
Next class will be at the LAB.  

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