Next week we are going to start our practice for your speaking test, it will be an individual task.
:) good luck!
Wednesday, 30 April 2014
Final Term
Literature corner and formal speech
Hey guys do not forget to prepare your performances for next class!
what are these phrasal verbs? I want you to use some of these phrasal verbs for your speech.
Saturday, 26 April 2014
Final Term
Literature corner and formal speech
Do not forget to prepare your performances for next class.
Now I'm gonna post some interesting videos in order to let you practice your english.
Video number 1 it's basic but it may be useful:
Video number 2 it's nice and it may be useful to understand language.
Saturday, 29 March 2014
Well guys, it's time to record.
my e-mail adresses are or
Some of you asked me if the sketch would have to be funny, well it is not a must, but if we talk about critics and irony we may point out that comedy would allow improvement into our formal speech.
Saturday, 22 March 2014
Formal speech, well that's english.
what might you conclude after seeing the videos?
What was your favorite video?
what's the best english then?
Is it funny?
why? why not?
listen to his accent(you do not have to see the whole video cuz well... it's stressful)
Do you understand?
well, let me tell you that I'm sure some of you do, and that means...